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Australian Fundraising Ideas & Examples

Welcome to Clubdraws Australia. We’re a fundraising company and this is our blog about Australian fundraising ideas, case studies, examples and more. Whether you’re a school, sports club, and animal rescue charity or a non-profit organisation that needs help to raise fund, this blog is your go-to support for insights into making fundraising easy and effective. Here, we’ll share success stories, tips for maximising your fundraising profits, the rules of fundraisers, and updates on our services.

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Colour Runs, Sausage Sizzles, and More

Whether you’re hosting a school fun run with colour, raffling prizes, hosting a disco party, a sausage sizzle, or you’re just curious about clever ways to raise money, stay tuned for inspiring stories and practical advice to make your next fundraiser a success! Contact us if you’d like a highly profitable cashless fundraiser. We deliver Australia’s best online fundraising platform with a range of incentive prizes and no upfront costs that you can effortlessly raise funds with. The easiest option when it comes to fundraising in Australia.