Animal Fundraisers For Nonprofits & Animal Shelters

Weekly Community Fundraising Draws for Animal Welfare

Animal fundraisers no longer require large amounts of time and energy. We’re Australia’s largest fundraiser for Animal Rescue Charities, so we know what’s working, and we’re here to help you every step of the way in supporting your charity fundraising in Australia. You get regular weekly payments for animals in need without lifting a finger.
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Animal Charities often face a difficult balance between providing quality services to their cause and delivering them within a constrained budget. With the added burden of very limited time, animal charities can find it difficult to make necessary preparations for any type of fundraising activities.

At ClubDraws we’re an organisation that understands the unique challenges that Australian animal charities face in raising funds, our systems were designed by some well know rescue personalities and our commitment is to take out all the worry and stress from setting up raffles so you can focus on what matters most – helping the animals.

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ClubDraws provides a straightforward solution to raise funds for animals, without wasting any volunteer time or money.

We host a number of fundraiser raffles each week for different charities. Each of them is provided with a unique website where people can donate by buying tickets to join the raffle. All funds that are raised are directly credited to the charities every week. We have some charities earning over $50,000 per year without them being burdened by any marketing, operating, and legal aspects of the raffle.

We raise money for animal shelters by providing everything from hosting tickets and running marketing campaigns, and we pay for the social media ads, so you are never out of pocket.

With ClubDraws, you have a partner that helps you raise regular weekly funds easily so you can continue doing great work in your community. Fundraising for animal charities has never been easier and more profitable.

kid with dog

Fundraiser members can win $2000? But what does the shelter get?


$9000 average annual income


$18,200 AVERAGE annual income


$91,000 AVERAGE annual income


$182,000 AVERAGE annual income


$1.17m AVERAGE

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Charities that fundraise & raise money weekly

We raise money for animals by partnering with and raising funds for many recognised Australian and respected not-for-profit charities, each of whom is dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve by providing services, programs, and advocacy. Our animal charities range from wildlife to bunnies and everything in between.

If you have a breed specific charity or a local rescue please get in touch and see how we can help

Easy donations & fundraising for charity

Want to make sure that everyone who gives to your charity has the most positive experience possible? Get in touch with us today and we’ll explain how easy we make it, for both you and donors.

Get started with your Animal Fundraising

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Each week we run a number of online raffles where we give away $2000 as the prizes. We create a unique landing page for your charity that we use to sell tickets to your online followers. When your followers join, they go into the draw to win the $2000 and you get 50% of their ticket sale, the other 50% goes towards the amazing prizes, bank fees and the all important online ads. Your reports of sales are generated every week and funds are disbursed to your designated bank account weekly.

With ClubDraws, charities never have to pay anything! Our platform provides a comprehensive raffle draw service that includes setting up the custom draw, hosting the tickets, running marketing campaigns and more. You get a regular weekly income that you can rely upon. Too good to be true? Just ask any of our existing charities or clubs?

Yes, of course, we take compliance with legal regulations very seriously. Our platform is designed to ensure that raffles are conducted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations governing online fundraising. We provide guidance and support to charities to help them navigate any legal requirements associated with their raffle campaigns.