How to Cancel
We have made it much easier to cancel than it was to join!
There are many reasons you may need to stop supporting your chosen charity or club, but rest assured, we’re very appreciative of the support you’ve shown to our clubs and charities across Australia and we would love to welcome you back at any time.
1) Your Welcome email has all the important information and also a link to your very own customer portal where you can cancel or rejoin anytime.
2) All other emails we send you contain a link to your customer portal.
3) The website you used to join the draw… on that site there is a button so you can easily cancel.
4) Use the form below and you will be sent a unique link to simply click and cancel. REMEMBER TO USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS YOU USED WHEN JOINING.
4) Use the form below and you will be sent a unique link to simply click and cancel. REMEMBER TO USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS YOU USED WHEN JOINING.
5) If these methods aren’t working out for you… simply email us on and we standby ready to help.